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Preventing complications: How physiotherapy enhances healing after major surgeries

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Physiotherapy has a vital role in alleviating Pain, restoring movement and function, when someone is affected by injury illness or disability. Early Physiotherapy after major surgeries lowers the risk of bedridden complications such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Pressure ulcer, musculoskeletal dysfunction & cardio respiratory issues.

Exercise therapy and Electrotherapy are two major integral parts of Physiotherapy which enhance the healing process after surgery. Healing is a natural Process which takes place by Proliferation of connective tissue elements resulting in fibrosis and scarring. Evidence shows that by Physiotherapy the collagen fibers are aligned properly which helps tissues to overcome optimal stress, preventing further injury. Exercises and some electro modalities in physiotherapy like Ultrasonic therapy, muscle stimulation facilitates the healing Process by improving the vascularity. Post-operative adhesion, Scar tissues and contractures which limit the range of motion can be managed by mobility exercises, anti-contracture positioning and certain therapeutic techniques like Phonophoresis and Iontophoresis.


Within 48-72 hrs. of surgery there is chance of development of DVT, a life threatening condition and can be easily prevented by early Physiotherapy Such as Ankle foot toe movement and deep breathing exercises.

In some major surgeries Patients may require long term bed rest resulting into muscle wasting and stiffness. Graded strengthening exercises in addition to anti contracture positioning, relaxed passive movement and faradic type stimulation helps in new muscle fiber formation. Pressure sore is very common in Patients with major surgery those who are bedridden. By regular two hourly turning, Proper Positioning and mat activities we can prevent it. LASER therapy has a good healing effect in pressure sores. Post-operative Pain and Swelling are effectively managed with cryotherapy (Icing), Proper Positioning (Elevation), Interferential Therapy (IFT) and Pneumatic compression devices.

Physiotherapists guide proper endurance and strengthening exercises as well as teach correct lifting techniques, Gait, balance & proprioceptive training. which helps patients to return their normal life, with Prevention of further injury and complications.

Thus, Physiotherapy enhances the healing Process and helps persons to regain their functions and promotes quality of life by reducing hospital stay. Of course, there are some possible dangers & Precautions in some conditions and a qualified Physiotherapist must address them prior to the treatment.

(Dr. Sibani Sankar Tripathy(PT) HOD Physiotherapy, Manipal Hospital Bhubaneswar)
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