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Psychological Games That Toxic Men Play With Their Partner

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When two people are in love, they experience a heightened sense of belonging with each other. It is true that having a love life improves one's quality of life, but sometimes love can also make one develop blind spots for the other person's follies. A lot of women feel oblivious to the psychological games that some men play with them while being in a relationship with them.Some of the common psychological tricks that some men deploy to get an upper hand in the relationship are listed below. Take a look at them.

He will make you question your beliefs about themIf a man tries to make you question your own beliefs and judgement about them from time to time, it is a sign that they are gaslighting you. A lot of times women have legitimate concerns about their man and when they voice the same before their partner, the latter tries to act as if they’re completely oblivious to what their partner is saying.This in turn makes a woman question if they are actually thinking on the right lines or not. He will make you feel guilty to get something from youIt is also possible that if a man tries to make you feel guilty for not doing certain things for him, it is a sign they are trying to emotionally manipulate you into doing something. They may act as if they are feeling very hurt and disturbed by certain behaviour of yours. However, they are doing it deliberately so that they’re able to guilt trap a woman into giving in to their demands and requests. Also read: 6 Types Of Men That Women Can't Resist He will accuse of the same things you blame him forA lot of men also try to psychologically trick women into believing that they are at fault. When a woman tries to raise flags, or certain concerns before their partner about them. What men sometimes do is accuse their woman of the same things. This is a classic case of whataboutery. He is inconsistent with his behaviourAnother psychological trick that most men deploy to make a woman question herself, or feel bad is they display inconsistent behaviour. So, there are times when they are overly affectionate with their partner and then there are times when they would withdraw from the partner very randomly. This inconsistency in their behaviour can end up confusing the women they’re with and the latter may start questioning if they are at fault somewhere and somehow. Also read: Things You Should Never Do In The Bedroom He will make you feel inferior to oppress youA lot of men also try to subtly make a woman feel inferior to them. This is their strategy so that they can easily oppress them. When a man gives a second fiddle treatment to a woman, the latter may start believing that she is actually inferior to a man. This explains why some women start behaving in a submissive manner.
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