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Worrying: More than 3600 chemicals are entering the body through packed food and bottles, risk of deadly diseases like cancer

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The increasing number of chronic diseases around the world is a matter of serious concern. If we look at the data of the last two to three decades, it is known that the health problems which were known as problems related to aging in the 90s are also being seen in youth and children today.

Studies done in this regard show that many types of environmental and dietary disturbances can be responsible. Scientists have found that we all are knowingly or unknowingly swallowing many types of chemicals through food every day, which can pose a serious threat to health.

In a recent report, a team of researchers has warned that many types of harmful elements are entering our bodies daily through food items. Chemicals and microplastics are entering our bodies mainly through plastic bags, bottles, containers, and plastic bags containing packed food. Researchers said that many of these can cause cancer, permanent genetic changes, disturbances in the reproductive system, and increased toxicity in the body.

Scientists say we are surrounded by these things to such an extent that despite understanding the danger, we are not able to distance ourselves from them, this can be a very problematic situation for the future.

More than 14,000 chemicals were identified.

In a study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, scientists have identified more than 14,000 different chemicals and compounds that come in contact with food. A new study has shown that about 3,601 of them have been found in the human body. This can be considered about 25 percent of Food Contact Chemicals (FCC).

Scientists have expressed concern that not much is known about most of these chemicals and how they can harm our bodies. Most of the known chemicals are responsible for cancer and reproductive disorders.

Many have been banned.

Scientists said that among these harmful chemicals and elements, Bisphenol A (BPA) has been highlighted prominently. Studies reveal many of its side effects. It has been banned in many places due to the health problems caused by it. This chemical was mainly identified in containers and baby bottles. Not only this but the companies manufacturing the product have also been instructed to clarify whether these are BPA-free or not.

There is still a lack of information about most of the chemicals.


Researchers also found many types of metals, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds in the body through plastic bags, bottles, and containers, which can enter the body while breathing. Apart from this, concerns have also been raised about phthalates chemicals which are used to make plastics, perfumes-deodorants, and personal care products.

When the team tried to know about FCC found in the human body, it was found that there is a lack of information about the side effects of many chemicals and compounds.

What do the researchers say?

The researchers said, blood, urine, skin, and breast milk samples have been tested to detect FCC in humans.

Birgit Gücke, senior scientist at the Food Packaging Forum and lead author of the study, says, this research helps to establish the relationship between chemicals exposed to food and its risk to human health. Many of these can have dangerous effects and there are still many chemical compounds that are yet to be tested. These can be a problem leading to long-term health problems. It is necessary to ban them.


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