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Men in London, Leeds and Manchester see themselves as the healthiest in the UK

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A recent study of 2,000 men across the UK has revealed that those living in London, Leeds, and Manchester perceive themselves as the healthiest.

The research found that men in London tend to smoke fewer cigarettes, consume more water, and are more likely to hold a gym membership compared to their counterparts in other cities.

Notably, a significant 82% of men in Leeds reported never having used a vape. In Manchester, men prioritize their health by drinking four glasses of water daily and eating three portions of fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, 48% of men in Manchester cook meals from scratch, and 64% make it a point to get plenty of fresh air and 40% claim they can perform 10 consecutive sit-ups without exhaustion. They are also more likely to be able to swim 200 meters non-stop.

On the other hand, residents of Newcastle were found to be more likely to smoke cigarettes multiple times a day and men living in Sheffield rated themselves as the unhealthiest and reported hydrating less frequently.

A spokesperson for Vitabiotics Wellman, which commissioned the survey and counts male supermodel David Gandy among its brand ambassadors, commented: "Health is different for everybody. But it's been interesting to see the differences from men around the nation, when it comes to different aspects of health."

"There are lots of different things that can impact your physical wellbeing, it's not just about how often you go to the gym."



The study also identified the top indicators of good health as high energy levels, low body fat, and the ability to exercise without getting excessively tired.

In Bristol, 28% confessed they've 'never' been for a run, the highest percentage among all cities surveyed, while a small 17% of Sheffield's male population hold a gym membership.

Birmingham's men are the most likely to commute by car, resulting in the lowest average daily step count at just 5,079 steps, short of recommended amount of 10,000.

A spokesperson for Wellman commented: "Good health starts from within. It's about how you nourish your body, maintain energy, and prioritise your overall wellbeing."

"Our research highlights the importance of physical activity and making healthier lifestyle choices. True health is about balance-when you feel your best physically, it has a positive impact on every aspect of your life, from work to personal relationships."

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